Certum Trusted SSL/TLS Wildcard (OV)


The Certum Trusted SSL/TLS Wildcard Certificate is a mid-level Organisation Validated (OV) SSL certificate which provides a secure, encrypted connection as well as some assurance to protect your brand and site users. It does this by including the Organization’s name and department on the SSL certificate. The Certum OV Wildcard will secure both the top level domain (certum.ng) and an unlimited number of first-level subdomains; asseco.certum.ng, site.certum.ng, mail.certum.ng, webmail.certum.ng, webdisk.certum.ng etc.

* NOTICE – Please see verification requirements before placing your order.


The Certum Trusted SSL/TLS Wildcard (OV) Certificate is a mid-level Organisation Validated (OV) SSL certificate which provides a secure, encrypted connection as well as some assurance to protect your brand and site users. It does this by including the Organization’s name and department on the SSL certificate. Unlike the single domain version which secures only one specified domain or subdomain (certum.ng or asseco.certum.ng), the Certum OV Wildcard will secure both the top level domain (certum.ng) and an unlimited number of first-level subdomains; asseco.certum.ng, site.certum.ng, mail.certum.ng, webmail.certum.ng, webdisk.certum.ng etc.

Wildcard certificates work best in situations where you need to secure a domain as well as an unspecified or yet unknown number of first-level subdomains under it. They save you money and the hassle of acquiring one certificate for every subdomain you need to secure. Wildcard certificates are denoted by the asterix, for example *.certum.ng

Users can click through to view the certificate details to be sure the website or web application is owned and operated by a real business or organisation. This inspires trust and makes site users feel safer interacting with your website or submitting data to it.

Organization Validation Certificates are intended for use on websites, applications and servers which are owned and operated by registered businesses and organisations. It is ideal for websites with low to moderate risk of criminal attention (phishing or cloning attacks, for example).

In addition to verifying domain control, you will need to meet a few other requirements to show the organisation is a real, registered legal entity before the certificate is issued with the Organisation’s name hard coded into it. The OV certificate is a favourite among small businesses and companies who need to protect their brand, assure their customers and also meet stringent industry compliance requirements. The financial services and PCI compliance requirements for example.

* NOTICE – Please see the verification requirements for issuance of Extended Validation certificates before placing your order.

Additional information

For commercial use

Organisation Validation certificates are suitable for use by small businesses, companies and NGOs.


Financial guarantee of ₦10,000,000.

Quick Issuance

Issued within 1-2 business days of verifying domain and providing required documents.

Suitable for ecommerce

OV certificates are the recommended minimum for use on ecommerce stores/websites.

Lowest Level of Safety

Lowest level of safety as it does nothing to identify the site owner.

Technical parameters

– TLS 1.2 and 1.3 compatible.
– Compliance with the X.509 v.3 (RFC5280) standard.
– Secured with SHA2 function.
– Support of connection encryption up to 256 bits.
– Support for SGC (Server Gated Cryptography).
– Support of keys with a length of 4096 bits and more.
– Minimum length of cryptographic keys: RSA or DSA 2048 bit, EC 571 bit: NIST K-571 and NIST B-571.
– Verification of the certificate status with the use of CRL lists and OCSP protocol is possible.


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